teddy interactive hub

concept idea for an educational waiting area for children

Yellow Hub WEB

location Stavanger, Norway
area 4.5 m2
date 2010 – 2012
client Teddy Language Enterprise
design team Kjersti Monsen

A team of Norwegian companies have been working on developing a childrens waiting area for airports. I was asked to design the hub that would house an educational interactive screen.

Teddy interactive hub provides an educational and entertaining activity for children at the airport. The interactive screen is filled with music, pictures and short animations based on the popular English educational programme “learning English with Teddy” and “starting English with Teddy” (www.teddylanguage.no). English is a universal language and together with Teddy the children can learn simple sentences that they can use when traveling. They will join Teddy ‘behind the scenes of an airport’ to explore in addition to learning about their travel destination.

Unfortunately the airport did not go ahead with this project after 3 years of discussion.

20131229 Master Appl Folio embedded.indd 20131229 Master Appl Folio embedded.indd

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